

v2_5_5 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Options
init_ivars() public

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# File lib/rdoc/options.rb, line 345
  def init_ivars # :nodoc:
    @dry_run = false
    @exclude = []
    @files = nil
    @force_output = false
    @force_update = true
    @generator = nil
    @generator_name = nil
    @generator_options = []
    @generators = RDoc::RDoc::GENERATORS
    @hyperlink_all = false
    @line_numbers = false
    @locale = nil
    @locale_name = nil
    @locale_dir = 'locale'
    @main_page = nil
    @markup = 'rdoc'
    @coverage_report = false
    @op_dir = nil
    @page_dir = nil
    @pipe = false
    @output_decoration = true
    @rdoc_include = []
    @root = Pathname(Dir.pwd)
    @show_hash = false
    @static_path = []
    @stylesheet_url = nil # TODO remove in RDoc 4
    @tab_width = 8
    @template = nil
    @template_dir = nil
    @template_stylesheets = []
    @title = nil
    @update_output_dir = true
    @verbosity = 1
    @visibility = :protected
    @webcvs = nil
    @write_options = false
    @encoding = Encoding::UTF_8
    @charset =
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