

v2_5_5 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Options
==(other) public

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# File lib/rdoc/options.rb, line 417
  def == other # :nodoc:
    self.class === other and
      @encoding       == other.encoding       and
      @generator_name == other.generator_name and
      @hyperlink_all  == other.hyperlink_all  and
      @line_numbers   == other.line_numbers   and
      @locale         == other.locale         and
      @locale_dir     == other.locale_dir and
      @main_page      == other.main_page      and
      @markup         == other.markup         and
      @op_dir         == other.op_dir         and
      @rdoc_include   == other.rdoc_include   and
      @show_hash      == other.show_hash      and
      @static_path    == other.static_path    and
      @tab_width      == other.tab_width      and
      @template       == other.template       and
      @title          == other.title          and
      @visibility     == other.visibility     and
      @webcvs         == other.webcvs
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