handle_options(options) private

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# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb, line 445
        def handle_options(options)
          if options[:expires].respond_to?(:from_now)
            options[:expires] = options[:expires].from_now

          options[:path]      ||= "/"

          cookies_same_site_protection = request.cookies_same_site_protection
          options[:same_site] ||= cookies_same_site_protection.call(request)

          if options[:domain] == :all || options[:domain] == "all"
            # If there is a provided tld length then we use it otherwise default domain regexp.
            domain_regexp = options[:tld_length] ? /([^.]+\.?){#{options[:tld_length]}}$/ : DOMAIN_REGEXP

            # If host is not ip and matches domain regexp.
            # (ip confirms to domain regexp so we explicitly check for ip)
            options[:domain] = if !request.host.match?(/^[\d.]+$/) && (request.host =~ domain_regexp)
          elsif options[:domain].is_a? Array
            # If host matches one of the supplied domains.
            options[:domain] = options[:domain].find do |domain|
              domain = domain.delete_prefix(".")
              request.host == domain || request.host.end_with?(".#{domain}")
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