

v3.0.0 - Show latest stable - 3 notes - Class: ActiveRecord::Base
with_exclusive_scope(method_scoping = {}, &block) protected

Works like with_scope, but discards any nested properties.

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August 13, 2009
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with_exclusive_scope example by Ramon broken in latest Rails

The example Ramon gave works within the model itself, i.e.

class Article
  def closed
    with_exclusive_scope { find(:all) }

However, from what I can see, this approach does not work within a controller. You may be wanting to use

Article.with_exclusive_scope { find(:all) }  #=> "SELECT * FROM 'articles'

But it will error out about find(:all) not existing on ArticlesController. To get around this, you must now do

Article.with_exclusive_scope { Article.find(:all) }  #=> "SELECT * FROM 'articles'

In otherwards, find(:all) isn’t being executed in the scope of the model, but in the controller in which its called.

Took me a minute or two to find out, so I thought I’d let others know.

August 11, 2010
3 thanks

In Rails3 use "unscoped" instead

The with_exclusive_scope examples no longer work in Rails3 because with_exclusive_scope is now a protected method which can and should not be used in a controller. Use the new unscoped method instead:


For mor details and examples have a look at:

June 11, 2009
2 thanks