

v1.1.6 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods
construct_finder_sql_with_included_associations(options, join_dependency) private

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# File activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb, line 1146
        def construct_finder_sql_with_included_associations(options, join_dependency)
          scope = scope(:find)
          sql = "SELECT #{column_aliases(join_dependency)} FROM #{(scope && scope[:from]) || options[:from] || table_name} "
          sql << join_dependency.join_associations.collect{|join| join.association_join }.join
          add_joins!(sql, options, scope)
          add_conditions!(sql, options[:conditions], scope)
          add_limited_ids_condition!(sql, options, join_dependency) if !using_limitable_reflections?(join_dependency.reflections) && options[:limit]

          sql << "ORDER BY #{options[:order]} " if options[:order]
          add_limit!(sql, options, scope) if using_limitable_reflections?(join_dependency.reflections)
          return sanitize_sql(sql)
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