
Returns a new IO object (a stream) for the given integer file descriptor fd and mode string. opt may be used to specify parts of mode in a more readable fashion. See also IO.sysopen and IO.for_fd. is called by various File and IO opening methods such as IO::open, Kernel#open, and File::open.
Open Mode
When mode is an integer it must be combination of the modes defined in File::Constants (+File::RDONLY+, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT). See the open(2) man page for more information.
When mode is a string it must be in one of the following forms:
fmode fmode ":" ext_enc fmode ":" ext_enc ":" int_enc fmode ":" "BOM|UTF-*"
fmode is an IO open mode string, ext_enc is the external encoding for the IO and int_enc is the internal encoding.
IO Open Mode
Ruby allows the following open modes:
"r" Read-only, starts at beginning of file (default mode). "r+" Read-write, starts at beginning of file. "w" Write-only, truncates existing file to zero length or creates a new file for writing. "w+" Read-write, truncates existing file to zero length or creates a new file for reading and writing. "a" Write-only, each write call appends data at end of file. Creates a new file for writing if file does not exist. "a+" Read-write, each write call appends data at end of file. Creates a new file for reading and writing if file does not exist.
The following modes must be used separately, and along with one or more of the modes seen above.
"b" Binary file mode Suppresses EOL <-> CRLF conversion on Windows. And sets external encoding to ASCII-8BIT unless explicitly specified. "t" Text file mode
The exclusive access mode (“x”) can be used together with “w” to ensure the file is created. Errno::EEXIST is raised when it already exists. It may not be supported with all kinds of streams (e.g. pipes).
When the open mode of original IO is read only, the mode cannot be changed to be writable. Similarly, the open mode cannot be changed from write only to readable.
When such a change is attempted the error is raised in different locations according to the platform.
IO Encoding
When ext_enc is specified, strings read will be tagged by the encoding when reading, and strings output will be converted to the specified encoding when writing.
When ext_enc and int_enc are specified read strings will be converted from ext_enc to int_enc upon input, and written strings will be converted from int_enc to ext_enc upon output. See Encoding for further details of transcoding on input and output.
If “BOM|UTF-8”, “BOM|UTF-16LE” or “BOM|UTF16-BE” are used, Ruby checks for a Unicode BOM in the input document to help determine the encoding. For UTF-16 encodings the file open mode must be binary. When present, the BOM is stripped and the external encoding from the BOM is used. When the BOM is missing the given Unicode encoding is used as ext_enc. (The BOM-set encoding option is case insensitive, so “bom|utf-8” is also valid.)
opt can be used instead of mode for improved readability. The following keys are supported:
:mode |
Same as mode parameter |
:flags |
Specifies file open flags as integer. If mode parameter is given, this parameter will be bitwise-ORed. |
External encoding for the IO. | |
Internal encoding for the IO. “-” is a synonym for the default internal encoding. If the value is nil no conversion occurs. | |
:encoding |
Specifies external and internal encodings as “extern:intern”. |
:textmode |
If the value is truth value, same as “t” in argument mode. |
If the value is truth value, same as “b” in argument mode. | |
:autoclose |
If the value is false, the fd will be kept open after this IO instance gets finalized. |
Also, opt can have same keys in String#encode for controlling conversion between the external encoding and the internal encoding.
Example 1
fd = IO.sysopen("/dev/tty", "w") a =,"w") $stderr.puts "Hello" a.puts "World"
Hello World
Example 2
require 'fcntl' fd = STDERR.fcntl(Fcntl::F_DUPFD) io =, mode: 'w:UTF-16LE', cr_newline: true) io.puts "Hello, World!" fd = STDERR.fcntl(Fcntl::F_DUPFD) io =, mode: 'w', cr_newline: true, external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_16LE) io.puts "Hello, World!"
Both of above print “Hello, World!” in UTF-16LE to standard error output with converting EOL generated by puts to CR.