
- 1_8_6_287
- 1_8_7_72
- 1_8_7_330
- 1_9_1_378 (0)
- 1_9_2_180 (38)
- 1_9_3_125 (0)
- 1_9_3_392 (0)
- 2_1_10 (0)
- 2_2_9 (0)
- 2_4_6 (0)
- 2_5_5 (0)
- 2_6_3 (0)
- What's this?
parse(source, opts = {})
Parse the JSON document source into a Ruby data structure and return it.
opts can have the following keys:
max_nesting: The maximum depth of nesting allowed in the parsed data structures. Disable depth checking with :max_nesting => false. It defaults to 100.
allow_nan: If set to true, allow NaN, Infinity and -Infinity in defiance of RFC 4627 to be parsed by the Parser. This option defaults to false.
symbolize_names: If set to true, returns symbols for the names (keys) in a JSON object. Otherwise strings are returned. Strings are the default.
create_additions: If set to false, the Parser doesn’t create additions even if a matching class and create_id was found. This option defaults to true.
object_class: Defaults to Hash
array_class: Defaults to Array