RDoc uses generators to turn parsed source code in the form of an RDoc::CodeObject tree into some form of output. RDoc comes with the HTML generator RDoc::Generator::Darkfish and an ri data generator RDoc::Generator::RI.

Registering a Generator

Generators are registered by calling RDoc::RDoc.add_generator with the class of the generator:

class My::Awesome::Generator
  RDoc::RDoc.add_generator self

Adding Options to rdoc

Before option processing in rdoc, RDoc::Options will call ::setup_options on the generator class with an RDoc::Options instance. The generator can use RDoc::Options#option_parser to add command-line options to the rdoc tool. See OptionParser for details on how to add options.

You can extend the RDoc::Options instance with additional accessors for your generator.

Generator Instantiation

After parsing, RDoc::RDoc will instantiate a generator by calling #initialize with an RDoc::Options instance.

RDoc will then call #generate on the generator instance and pass in an Array of RDoc::TopLevel instances, each representing a parsed file. You can use the various class methods on RDoc::TopLevel and in the RDoc::CodeObject tree to create your desired output format.

Show files where this module is defined (1 file)
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