get_text(path = nil)
Returns the first child Text node, if any, or nil otherwise. This method returns the actual Text node, rather than the String content.
doc = "<p>some text <b>this is bold!</b> more text</p>" # The element 'p' has two text elements, "some text " and " more text". doc.root.get_text.value #-> "some text "
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emime -
October 19, 2009

1 thank
Get all inner texts
Extend REXML::Element so that it can get the first text and following inner texts (child texts included) of the current element as array and as string:
class REXML::Element def inner_texts REXML::XPath.match(self,'.//text()') end def inner_text REXML::XPath.match(self,'.//text()').join end end