open(filename, mode="r", **options) public

This method opens an IO object, and wraps that with CSV. This is intended as the primary interface for writing a CSV file.

You must pass a filename and may optionally add a mode for Ruby’s open(). You may also pass an optional Hash containing any options CSV::new() understands as the final argument.

This method works like Ruby’s open() call, in that it will pass a CSV object to a provided block and close it when the block terminates, or it will return the CSV object when no block is provided. (Note: This is different from the Ruby 1.8 CSV library which passed rows to the block. Use CSV::foreach() for that behavior.)

You must provide a mode with an embedded Encoding designator unless your data is in Encoding::default_external(). CSV will check the Encoding of the underlying IO object (set by the mode you pass) to determine how to parse the data. You may provide a second Encoding to have the data transcoded as it is read just as you can with a normal call to IO::open(). For example, "rb:UTF-32BE:UTF-8" would read UTF-32BE data from the file but transcode it to UTF-8 before CSV parses it.

An opened CSV object will delegate to many IO methods for convenience. You may call:

  • binmode()

  • binmode?()

  • close()

  • close_read()

  • close_write()

  • closed?()

  • eof()

  • eof?()

  • external_encoding()

  • fcntl()

  • fileno()

  • flock()

  • flush()

  • fsync()

  • internal_encoding()

  • ioctl()

  • isatty()

  • path()

  • pid()

  • pos()

  • pos=()

  • reopen()

  • seek()

  • stat()

  • sync()

  • sync=()

  • tell()

  • to_i()

  • to_io()

  • truncate()

  • tty?()

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