
v1_8_7_330 -
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parse_body(src, idx, fs, rs)
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# File lib/csv.rb, line 343 def parse_body(src, idx, fs, rs) fs_str = fs fs_size = fs_str.size rs_str = rs || "\n" rs_size = rs_str.size fs_idx = rs_idx = 0 cell = state = :ST_START quoted = cr = false c = nil last_idx = idx while c = src[idx] unless quoted fschar = (c == fs_str[fs_idx]) rschar = (c == rs_str[rs_idx]) # simple 1 char backtrack if !fschar and c == fs_str[0] fs_idx = 0 fschar = true if state == :ST_START state = :ST_DATA elsif state == :ST_QUOTE raise IllegalFormatError end end if !rschar and c == rs_str[0] rs_idx = 0 rschar = true if state == :ST_START state = :ST_DATA elsif state == :ST_QUOTE raise IllegalFormatError end end end if c == ?" fs_idx = rs_idx = 0 if cr raise IllegalFormatError end cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx)] last_idx = idx if state == :ST_DATA if quoted last_idx += 1 quoted = false state = :ST_QUOTE else raise IllegalFormatError end elsif state == :ST_QUOTE cell << c.chr last_idx += 1 quoted = true state = :ST_DATA else # :ST_START quoted = true last_idx += 1 state = :ST_DATA end elsif fschar or rschar if fschar fs_idx += 1 end if rschar rs_idx += 1 end sep = nil if fs_idx == fs_size if state == :ST_START and rs_idx > 0 and fs_idx < rs_idx state = :ST_DATA end cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx - (fs_size - 1))] last_idx = idx fs_idx = rs_idx = 0 if cr raise IllegalFormatError end sep = :DT_COLSEP elsif rs_idx == rs_size if state == :ST_START and fs_idx > 0 and rs_idx < fs_idx state = :ST_DATA end if !(rs.nil? and cr) cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx - (rs_size - 1))] last_idx = idx end fs_idx = rs_idx = 0 sep = :DT_ROWSEP end if sep if state == :ST_DATA return sep, idx + 1, cell; elsif state == :ST_QUOTE return sep, idx + 1, cell; else # :ST_START return sep, idx + 1, nil end end elsif rs.nil? and c == ?\r # special \r treatment for backward compatibility fs_idx = rs_idx = 0 if cr raise IllegalFormatError end cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx)] last_idx = idx if quoted state = :ST_DATA else cr = true end else fs_idx = rs_idx = 0 if state == :ST_DATA or state == :ST_START if cr raise IllegalFormatError end state = :ST_DATA else # :ST_QUOTE raise IllegalFormatError end end idx += 1 end if state == :ST_START if fs_idx > 0 or rs_idx > 0 state = :ST_DATA else return :DT_EOS, idx, nil end elsif quoted raise IllegalFormatError elsif cr raise IllegalFormatError end cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx)] last_idx = idx return :DT_EOS, idx, cell end