matches?(collection_owner) public

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# File lib/spec/matchers/have.rb, line 17
      def matches?(collection_owner)
        if collection_owner.respond_to?(@collection_name)
          collection = collection_owner.__send__(@collection_name, *@args, &@block)
        elsif (@plural_collection_name && collection_owner.respond_to?(@plural_collection_name))
          collection = collection_owner.__send__(@plural_collection_name, *@args, &@block)
        elsif (collection_owner.respond_to?(:length) || collection_owner.respond_to?(:size))
          collection = collection_owner
          collection_owner.__send__(@collection_name, *@args, &@block)
        @given = collection.size if collection.respond_to?(:size)
        @given = collection.length if collection.respond_to?(:length)
        raise not_a_collection if @given.nil?
        return @given >= @expected if @relativity == :at_least
        return @given <= @expected if @relativity == :at_most
        return @given == @expected
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