RSpec ships with a number of useful Expression Matchers. An Expression Matcher is any object that responds to the following methods:
matches?(actual) failure_message_for_should
These methods are also part of the matcher protocol, but are optional:
does_not_match?(actual) failure_message_for_should_not description #optional
These methods are from older versions of the protocol. They are still supported, but are not recommended:
failure_message (use failure_message_for_should instead) negative_failure_message (use failure_message_for_should_not instead)
See Spec::Expectations to learn how to use these as Expectation Matchers.
In addition to those Expression Matchers that are defined explicitly, RSpec will create custom Matchers on the fly for any arbitrary predicate, giving your specs a much more natural language feel.
A Ruby predicate is a method that ends with a "?" and returns true or false. Common examples are empty?, nil?, and instance_of?.
All you need to do is write +should be_+ followed by the predicate without the question mark, and RSpec will figure it out from there. For example:
[].should be_empty => [].empty? #passes [].should_not be_empty => [].empty? #fails
In addtion to prefixing the predicate matchers with "be_", you can also use "be_a_" and "be_an_", making your specs read much more naturally:
"a string".should be_an_instance_of(String) =>"a string".instance_of?(String) #passes 3.should be_a_kind_of(Fixnum) => 3.kind_of?(Numeric) #passes 3.should be_a_kind_of(Numeric) => 3.kind_of?(Numeric) #passes 3.should be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) => 3.instance_of?(Fixnum) #passes 3.should_not be_instance_of(Numeric) => 3.instance_of?(Numeric) #fails
RSpec will also create custom matchers for predicates like has_key?. To use this feature, just state that the object should have_key(:key) and RSpec will call has_key?(:key) on the target. For example:
{:a => "A"}.should have_key(:a) => {:a => "A"}.has_key?(:a) #passes {:a => "A"}.should have_key(:b) => {:a => "A"}.has_key?(:b) #fails
You can use this feature to invoke any predicate that begins with "has_", whether it is part of the Ruby libraries (like +Hash#has_key?+) or a method you wrote on your own class.
Custom Matchers
When you find that none of the stock Expectation Matchers provide a natural feeling expectation, you can very easily write your own using RSpec’s matcher DSL or writing one from scratch.
Matcher DSL
Imagine that you are writing a game in which players can be in various zones on a virtual board. To specify that bob should be in zone 4, you could say:
bob.current_zone.should eql("4"))
But you might find it more expressive to say:
bob.should be_in_zone("4")
bob.should_not be_in_zone("3")
You can create such a matcher like so:
Spec::Matchers.define :be_in_zone do |zone| match do |player| player.in_zone?(zone) end end
This will generate a be_in_zone method that returns a matcher with logical default messages for failures. You can override the failure messages and the generated description as follows:
Spec::Matchers.define :be_in_zone do |zone| match do |player| player.in_zone?(zone) end failure_message_for_should do |player| # generate and return the appropriate string. end failure_message_for_should_not do |player| # generate and return the appropriate string. end description do # generate and return the appropriate string. end end
Each of the message-generation methods has access to the block arguments passed to the create method (in this case, zone). The failure message methods (failure_message_for_should and failure_message_for_should_not) are passed the actual value (the receiver of should or should_not).
You can also create matchers that obey a fluent interface using the chain method:
Spec::Matchers.define :tip do |expected_tip| chain :on do |bill| @bill = bill end match do |person| person.tip_for(bill) == expected_tip end end
This matcher can be used as follows:
describe Customer do it { should tip(10).on(50) } end
Custom Matcher from scratch
You could also write a custom matcher from scratch, as follows:
class BeInZone def initialize(expected) @expected = expected end def matches?(target) @target = target @target.current_zone.eql?( end def failure_message_for_should "expected #{@target.inspect} to be in Zone #{@expected}" end def failure_message_for_should_not "expected #{@target.inspect} not to be in Zone #{@expected}" end end
… and a method like this:
def be_in_zone(expected) end
And then expose the method to your specs. This is normally done by including the method and the class in a module, which is then included in your spec:
module CustomGameMatchers class BeInZone ... end def be_in_zone(expected) ... end end describe "Player behaviour" do include CustomGameMatchers ... end
or you can include in globally in a spec_helper.rb file required from your spec file(s):
Spec::Runner.configure do |config| config.include(CustomGameMatchers) end