v7.1.3.4 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Superclass: Object

Active Support Parameter Filter

ParameterFilter replaces values in a Hash-like object if their keys match one of the specified filters.

Matching based on nested keys is possible by using dot notation, e.g. "credit_card.number".

If a proc is given as a filter, each key and value of the Hash-like and of any nested Hashes will be passed to it. The value or key can then be mutated as desired using methods such as String#replace.

# Replaces values with "[FILTERED]" for keys that match /password/i.

# Replaces values with "[FILTERED]" for keys that match /foo|bar/i.
ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter.new([:foo, "bar"])

# Replaces values for the exact key "pin" and for keys that begin with
# "pin_". Does not match keys that otherwise include "pin" as a
# substring, such as "shipping_id".
ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter.new([/\Apin\z/, /\Apin_/])

# Replaces the value for :code in `{ credit_card: { code: "xxxx" } }`.
# Does not change `{ file: { code: "xxxx" } }`.

# Reverses values for keys that match /secret/i.
ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter.new([-> (k, v) do
  v.reverse! if /secret/i.match?(k)




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