v6.0.0 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Superclass: Object

ParameterFilter allows you to specify keys for sensitive data from hash-like object and replace corresponding value. Filtering only certain sub-keys from a hash is possible by using the dot notation: ‘credit_card.number’. If a proc is given, each key and value of a hash and all sub-hashes are passed to it, where the value or the key can be replaced using String#replace or similar methods.

=> replaces the value to all keys matching /password/i with "[FILTERED]"

ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter.new([:foo, "bar"])
=> replaces the value to all keys matching /foo|bar/i with "[FILTERED]"

=> replaces { credit_card: {code: "xxxx"} } with "[FILTERED]", does not
change { file: { code: "xxxx"} }

ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter.new([-> (k, v) do
  v.reverse! if k =~ /secret/i
=> reverses the value to all keys matching /secret/i




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