

v7.1.3.4 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: ErrorReporter
record(*error_classes, severity: :error, context: {}, source: DEFAULT_SOURCE) public

Evaluates the given block, reporting and re-raising any unhandled error. If no error is raised, returns the return value of the block.

# Will report a TypeError to all subscribers and re-raise it.
Rails.error.record do
  1 + '1'

Can be restricted to handle only specific error classes:

tags = Rails.error.record(Redis::BaseError) { redis.get("tags") }


  • :severity - This value is passed along to subscribers to indicate how important the error report is. Can be :error, :warning, or :info. Defaults to :error.

  • :context - Extra information that is passed along to subscribers. For example:

    Rails.error.record(context: { section: "admin" }) do
      # ...
  • :source - This value is passed along to subscribers to indicate the source of the error. Subscribers can use this value to ignore certain errors. Defaults to "application".

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