
- 1.0.0
- 1.1.6
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- What's this?
time_field(object_name, method, options = {})
Returns a text_field of type “time”.
The default value is generated by trying to call strftime with “%T.%L” on the object’s value. If you pass include_seconds: false, it will be formatted by trying to call strftime with “%H:%M” on the object’s value. It is also possible to override this by passing the “value” option.
Accepts same options as time_field_tag
time_field("task", "started_at") # => <input id="task_started_at" name="task[started_at]" type="time" />
You can create values for the “min” and “max” attributes by passing instances of Date or Time to the options hash.
time_field("task", "started_at", min: Time.now) # => <input id="task_started_at" name="task[started_at]" type="time" min="01:00:00.000" />
Alternatively, you can pass a String formatted as an ISO8601 time as the values for “min” and “max.”
time_field("task", "started_at", min: "01:00:00") # => <input id="task_started_at" name="task[started_at]" type="time" min="01:00:00.000" />
By default, provided times will be formatted including seconds. You can render just the hour and minute by passing include_seconds: false. Some browsers will render a simpler UI if you exclude seconds in the timestamp format.
time_field("task", "started_at", value: Time.now, include_seconds: false) # => <input id="task_started_at" name="task[started_at]" type="time" value="01:00" />