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DATE_FORMATS = { short: "%d %b", long: "%B %d, %Y", db: "%Y-%m-%d", inspect: "%Y-%m-%d", number: "%Y%m%d", long_ordinal: lambda { |date| day_format = ActiveSupport::Inflector.ordinalize( date.strftime("%B #{day_format}, %Y") # => "April 25th, 2007" }, rfc822: "%d %b %Y", iso8601: lambda { |date| date.iso8601 } }


[RW] beginning_of_week_default
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August 5, 2014
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simple use


<%= @user.created_at.to_date.to_formatted_s(:long_ordinal)%> => July 5th, 2014


<%=@user.created_at.strftime("%b %d,%Y") %> =>  Jul 05,2014

quick ref:-

:db           # => 2008-12-25 14:35:05
:number       # => 20081225143505
:time         # => 14:35
:short        # => 25 Dec 14:35
:long         # => December 25, 2008 14:35
:long_ordinal # => December 25th, 2008 14:35
:rfc822       # => Thu, 25 Dec 2008 14:35:05 +0000