
The capture method allows you to extract part of a template into a variable. You can then use this variable anywhere in your templates or layout.
The capture method can be used in ERB templates…
<% @greeting = capture do %> Welcome to my shiny new web page! The date and time is <%= %> <% end %>
…and Builder (RXML) templates.
@timestamp = capture do "The current timestamp is #{}." end
You can then use that variable anywhere else. For example:
<html> <head><title><%= @greeting %></title></head> <body> <b><%= @greeting %></b> </body></html>
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stevo -
February 22, 2011

7 thanks
Passing arguments to block
To pass arguments to block being captured, just list them as capture method params. I.e.
def export(exportable, export_klass, options={}, &block) result = "" #... if block_given? result += capture(my_custom_var_i_want_to_pass_to_block, &block) end result end
Then simply…
<%= export(@a, @b) do |my_custom_var| %> <% if my_custom_var.nil? %> My custom var is nil!!! <% end %> <% end %>