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ESCAPED_CHARS = { "\x00" => '\u0000', "\x01" => '\u0001', "\x02" => '\u0002', "\x03" => '\u0003', "\x04" => '\u0004', "\x05" => '\u0005', "\x06" => '\u0006', "\x07" => '\u0007', "\x0B" => '\u000B', "\x0E" => '\u000E', "\x0F" => '\u000F', "\x10" => '\u0010', "\x11" => '\u0011', "\x12" => '\u0012', "\x13" => '\u0013', "\x14" => '\u0014', "\x15" => '\u0015', "\x16" => '\u0016', "\x17" => '\u0017', "\x18" => '\u0018', "\x19" => '\u0019', "\x1A" => '\u001A', "\x1B" => '\u001B', "\x1C" => '\u001C', "\x1D" => '\u001D', "\x1E" => '\u001E', "\x1F" => '\u001F', "\010" => '\b', "\f" => '\f', "\n" => '\n', "\r" => '\r', "\t" => '\t', '"' => '\"', '\\' => '\\\\', '>' => '\u003E', '<' => '\u003C', '&' => '\u0026' }


[RW] use_standard_json_time_format

If true, use ISO 8601 format for dates and times. Otherwise, fall back to the Active Support legacy format.

[RW] encode_big_decimal_as_string

If false, serializes BigDecimal objects as numeric instead of wrapping them in a string.

[RW] escape_regex
[R] escape_html_entities_in_json
Show files where this module is defined (1 file)
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