

v4.1.8 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding
encode_big_decimal_as_string=(as_string) public

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# File activesupport/lib/active_support/json/encoding.rb, line 117
        def encode_big_decimal_as_string=(as_string)
          message =              "The JSON encoder in Rails 4.1 no longer supports encoding BigDecimals as JSON numbers. Instead, "              "the new encoder will always encode them as strings.\n\n"              "You are seeing this error because you have 'active_support.encode_big_decimal_as_string' in "              "your configuration file. If you have been setting this to true, you can safely remove it from "              "your configuration. Otherwise, you should add the 'activesupport-json_encoder' gem to your "              "Gemfile in order to restore this functionality."

          raise NotImplementedError, message
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