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RAILS_DEV_PATH = File.expand_path("../../../../../..", File.dirname(__FILE__))

RESERVED_NAMES = %w[application destroy benchmarker profiler plugin runner test]

DEFAULT_ALIASES = { :rails => { :actions => '-a', :orm => '-o', :resource_controller => '-c', :scaffold_controller => '-c', :stylesheets => '-y', :template_engine => '-e', :test_framework => '-t' }, :test_unit => { :fixture_replacement => '-r', }, :plugin => { :generator => '-g', :tasks => '-r' } }

DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :rails => { :force_plural => false, :helper => true, :orm => nil, :integration_tool => nil, :performance_tool => nil, :resource_controller => :controller, :scaffold_controller => :scaffold_controller, :stylesheets => true, :test_framework => nil, :template_engine => :erb }, :plugin => { :generator => false, :tasks => false } }


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