Good notes posted by szeryf
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Undocumented :location option
You can use undocumented :location option to override where respond_to sends if resource is valid, e.g. to redirect to products index page instead of a specific product’s page, use:
respond_with(@product, :location => products_url)
Available statuses
All the available statuses (extracted from SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE hash) in a slightly more readable form:
:continue => 100 :switching_protocols => 101 :processing => 102 :ok => 200 :created => 201 :accepted => 202 :non_authoritative_information => 203 :no_content => 204 :reset_content => 205 :partial_content => 206 :multi_status => 207 :im_used => 226 :multiple_choices => 300 :moved_permanently => 301 :found => 302 :see_other => 303 :not_modified => 304 :use_proxy => 305 :temporary_redirect => 307 :bad_request => 400 :unauthorized => 401 :payment_required => 402 :forbidden => 403 :not_found => 404 :method_not_allowed => 405 :not_acceptable => 406 :proxy_authentication_required => 407 :request_timeout => 408 :conflict => 409 :gone => 410 :length_required => 411 :precondition_failed => 412 :request_entity_too_large => 413 :request_uri_too_long => 414 :unsupported_media_type => 415 :requested_range_not_satisfiable => 416 :expectation_failed => 417 :unprocessable_entity => 422 :locked => 423 :failed_dependency => 424 :upgrade_required => 426 :internal_server_error => 500 :not_implemented => 501 :bad_gateway => 502 :service_unavailable => 503 :gateway_timeout => 504 :http_version_not_supported => 505 :insufficient_storage => 507 :not_extended => 510
Easy workaround for missing :through option
Note that belongs_to does not support :through option like has_many (although IMHO it would make sense in some cases), but you can easily simulate it with delegate.
For example:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :team ... end class Task < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person delegate :team, :to => :person end
There is of course more ways to do it, but this seems to be the easiest to me.
Attribute names are Strings, not Symbols
Another possible gotcha – the returned hash keys are of type String, not Symbol:
user.attributes["login"] # => "joe" user.attributes[:login] # => nil
Named scope better than conditions
In modern versions of Rails, in most cases a named_scope is a better alternative to using :conditions on your has_many relations. Compare:
class User has_many :published_posts, :conditions => {:published => true} end user.published_posts
class Post named_scope :published, :conditions => {:published => true} end class User has_many :posts end user.posts.published
It’s better because the Post’s logic (“am I published?”) should not be coupled within User class. This makes it easier to refactor: e.g. if you wanted to refactor the boolean :published field into a :status field with more available values, you would not have to modify User class. Having to modify User when you refactor some implementation detail of Post class is clearly a code smell.
This also applies to :order, :group, :having and similar options.
Auto-submitting select tag
If you want your form to be submitted when user selects something, use:
:onchange => "this.form.submit();"
For example:
select_tag "people", "<option>David</option>", :onchange => "this.form.submit();"
This method only returns a cache manager object of sorts, to see what you can do with it, see ActiveSupport::Cache::Store.
Expensive method!
This method builds the a new hash every time it’s called, so be cautious not to use it in loops etc.
File class documentation
Most of the File class documentation is located in IO class docs. What you see here is what ‘ftools’ gives you.
Security issue with non-HTML formats
Please note that using default to_xml or to_json methods can lead to security holes, as these method expose all attributes of your model by default, including salt, crypted_password, permissions, status or whatever you might have.
You might want to override these methods in your models, e.g.:
def to_xml super( :only => [ :login, :first_name, :last_name ] ) end
Or consider not using responds_to at all, if you only want to provide HTML.
This method is deprecated. You should use:
Possible gotcha
Please note that exists? doesn’t hold all the conventions of find, i.e. you can’t do:
Person.exists?(:conditions => ['name LIKE ?', "%#{query}%"]) # DOESN'T WORK!
You can't use Symbols, but you can use Regexps
You can’t use Symbol (although Symbol is accepted with render :action => :new), like:
assert_template :new # WON'T WORK!
But you can use Regexp, e.g.:
assert_template /new/ # WORKS OK
Note that the String matched with your Regexp is the full path to the template relative to the view/ directory of your app, so this will not work:
assert_template /^new$/ # WON'T WORK!
However this might:
assert_template /^employees\/new.html.haml$/