
Strips all HTML tags from html, including comments and special characters.
strip_tags("Strip <i>these</i> tags!") # => Strip these tags! strip_tags("<b>Bold</b> no more! <a href='more.html'>See more here</a>...") # => Bold no more! See more here... strip_tags("<div id='top-bar'>Welcome to my website!</div>") # => Welcome to my website! strip_tags("> A quote from Smith & Wesson") # => > A quote from Smith & Wesson
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k776 -
April 21, 2009

5 thanks
strip_tags method not functioning in controllers, models, or libs
It comes up with an error about white_list_sanitizer undefined in the class you’re using it in. To get around this, use:
To shorten this, add something like this in an initializer:
class String def strip_tags ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(self) end end
then call it with: