

v2_6_3 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Thor
  • 1_8_6_287
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  • 2_6_3 (0)
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stop_on_unknown_option!(*command_names) public

Stop parsing of options as soon as an unknown option or a regular argument is encountered. All remaining arguments are passed to the command. This is useful if you have a command that can receive arbitrary additional options, and where those additional options should not be handled by Bundler::Thor.


To better understand how this is useful, let’s consider a command that calls an external command. A user may want to pass arbitrary options and arguments to that command. The command itself also accepts some options, which should be handled by Bundler::Thor.

class_option "verbose",  :type => :boolean
stop_on_unknown_option! :exec
check_unknown_options!  :except => :exec

desc "exec", "Run a shell command"
def exec(*args)
  puts "diagnostic output" if options[:verbose]

Here exec can be called with --verbose to get diagnostic output, e.g.:

$ thor exec --verbose echo foo
diagnostic output

But if --verbose is given after echo, it is passed to echo instead:

$ thor exec echo --verbose foo
--verbose foo



A list of commands that should be affected.

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