

v2_5_5 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Psych
safe_load(yaml, whitelist_classes = [], whitelist_symbols = [], aliases = false, filename = nil, symbolize_names: false) public

Safely load the yaml string in yaml. By default, only the following classes are allowed to be deserialized:

Recursive data structures are not allowed by default. Arbitrary classes can be allowed by adding those classes to the whitelist. They are additive. For example, to allow Date deserialization:

Psych.safe_load(yaml, [Date])

Now the Date class can be loaded in addition to the classes listed above.

Aliases can be explicitly allowed by changing the aliases parameter. For example:

x = []
x << x
yaml = Psych.dump x
Psych.safe_load yaml               # => raises an exception
Psych.safe_load yaml, [], [], true # => loads the aliases

A Psych::DisallowedClass exception will be raised if the yaml contains a class that isn’t in the whitelist.

A Psych::BadAlias exception will be raised if the yaml contains aliases but the aliases parameter is set to false.

filename will be used in the exception message if any exception is raised while parsing.

When the optional symbolize_names keyword argument is set to a true value, returns symbols for keys in Hash objects (default: strings).

Psych.safe_load("---\n foo: bar")                         # => {"foo"=>"bar"}
Psych.safe_load("---\n foo: bar", symbolize_names: true)  # => {:foo=>"bar"}
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