

v2_5_5 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: MakeMakefile
pkg_config(pkg, option=nil) public

Returns compile/link information about an installed library in a tuple of [cflags, ldflags, libs], by using the command found first in the following commands:

  1. If –with-{pkg}-config={command} is given via command line option: {command} {option}

  2. {pkg}-config {option}

  3. pkg-config {option} {pkg}

Where {option} is, for instance, –cflags.

The values obtained are appended to +$CFLAGS+, +$LDFLAGS+ and +$libs+.

If an option argument is given, the config command is invoked with the option and a stripped output string is returned without modifying any of the global values mentioned above.

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