v2_5_5 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Superclass: Object

The command manager registers and installs all the individual sub-commands supported by the gem command.

Extra commands can be provided by writing a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem. You should register your command against the Gem::CommandManager instance, like this:

# file rubygems_plugin.rb
require 'rubygems/command_manager'

Gem::CommandManager.instance.register_command :edit

You should put the implementation of your command in rubygems/commands.

# file rubygems/commands/edit_command.rb
class Gem::Commands::EditCommand < Gem::Command
  # ...

See Gem::Command for instructions on writing gem commands.


BUILTIN_COMMANDS = [ # :nodoc: :build, :cert, :check, :cleanup, :contents, :dependency, :environment, :fetch, :generate_index, :help, :install, :list, :lock, :mirror, :open, :outdated, :owner, :pristine, :push, :query, :rdoc, :search, :server, :signin, :signout, :sources, :specification, :stale, :uninstall, :unpack, :update, :which, :yank, ]


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