
Returns an array of two elements: the filename where the calling method is located, and the line number where it is defined.
Takes an optional argument i, which specifies how many callers up the stack to look.
require 'rss/utils' def foo p RSS::Utils.get_file_and_line_from_caller p RSS::Utils.get_file_and_line_from_caller(1) end def bar foo end def baz bar end baz # => ["test.rb", 5] # => ["test.rb", 9]
If i is not given, or is the default value of 0, it attempts to figure out the correct value. This is useful when in combination with instance_eval. For example:
require 'rss/utils' def foo p RSS::Utils.get_file_and_line_from_caller(1) end def bar foo end instance_eval <<-RUBY, *RSS::Utils.get_file_and_line_from_caller def baz bar end RUBY baz # => ["test.rb", 8]