def_children_accessor(accessor_name, plural_name) private

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# File lib/rss/rss.rb, line 583
    def def_children_accessor(accessor_name, plural_name)
      module_eval(      def #{plural_name}        @#{accessor_name}      end      def #{accessor_name}(*args)        if args.empty?          @#{accessor_name}.first        else          @#{accessor_name}[*args]        end      end      def #{accessor_name}=(*args)        receiver =        warn("Warning:\#{caller.first.sub(/:in `.*'\z/, '')}: " \             "Don't use `\#{receiver}\##{accessor_name} = XXX'/" \             "`\#{receiver}\#set_#{accessor_name}(XXX)'. " \             "Those APIs are not sense of Ruby. " \             "Use `\#{receiver}\##{plural_name} << XXX' instead of them.")        if args.size == 1          @#{accessor_name}.push(args[0])        else          @#{accessor_name}.__send__("[]=", *args)        end      end      alias_method(:set_#{accessor_name}, :#{accessor_name}=), *get_file_and_line_from_caller(2))
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