entries() public

Return the entries (files and subdirectories) in the directory, each as a Pathname object.

The results contains just the names in the directory, without any trailing slashes or recursive look-up.

pp Pathname.new('/usr/local').entries
#=> [#<Pathname:share>,
#    #<Pathname:lib>,
#    #<Pathname:..>,
#    #<Pathname:include>,
#    #<Pathname:etc>,
#    #<Pathname:bin>,
#    #<Pathname:man>,
#    #<Pathname:games>,
#    #<Pathname:.>,
#    #<Pathname:sbin>,
#    #<Pathname:src>]

The result may contain the current directory #.> and the parent directory #..>.

If you don’t want . and .. and want directories, consider Pathname#children.

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