

v2_4_6 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: SSL
verify_wildcard(domain_component, san_component) private

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# File ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb, line 223
    def verify_wildcard(domain_component, san_component) # :nodoc:
      parts = san_component.split("*", -1)

      return false if parts.size > 2
      return san_component == domain_component if parts.size == 1

      # RFC 6125, section 6.4.3, subitem 3.
      # The client SHOULD NOT attempt to match a presented identifier
      # where the wildcard character is embedded within an A-label or
      # U-label of an internationalized domain name.
      return false if domain_component.start_with?("xn--") && san_component != "*"

      parts[0].length + parts[1].length < domain_component.length &&
      domain_component.start_with?(parts[0]) &&
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