

v2_4_6 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: TestCase
spec_fetcher(repository = @gem_repo) public

Creates a SpecFetcher pre-filled with the gems or specs defined in the block.

Yields a fetcher object that responds to spec and gem. spec adds a specification to the SpecFetcher while gem adds both a specification and the gem data to the RemoteFetcher so the built gem can be downloaded.

If only the a-3 gem is supposed to be downloaded you can save setup time by creating only specs for the other versions:

spec_fetcher do |fetcher|
  fetcher.spec 'a', 1
  fetcher.spec 'a', 2, 'b' => 3 # dependency on b = 3
  fetcher.gem 'a', 3 do |spec|
    # spec is a Gem::Specification
    # ...
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