

v2_2_9 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Class: Server
root(req, res) public

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# File lib/rubygems/server.rb, line 599
  def root(req, res)

    add_date res

    raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::NotFound, "`#{req.path}' not found." unless
      req.path == '/'

    specs = []
    total_file_count = 0

    Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
      total_file_count += spec.files.size
      deps = spec.dependencies.map { |dep|
          "name"    => dep.name,
          "type"    => dep.type,
          "version" => dep.requirement.to_s,

      deps = deps.sort_by { |dep| [dep["name"].downcase, dep["version"]] }
      deps.last["is_last"] = true unless deps.empty?

      # executables
      executables = spec.executables.sort.collect { |exec| {"executable" => exec} }
      executables = nil if executables.empty?
      executables.last["is_last"] = true if executables

      specs << {
        "authors"             => spec.authors.sort.join(", "),
        "date"                => spec.date.to_s,
        "dependencies"        => deps,
        "doc_path"            => doc_root(spec.full_name),
        "executables"         => executables,
        "only_one_executable" => (executables && executables.size == 1),
        "full_name"           => spec.full_name,
        "has_deps"            => !deps.empty?,
        "homepage"            => spec.homepage,
        "name"                => spec.name,
        "rdoc_installed"      => Gem::RDoc.new(spec).rdoc_installed?,
        "ri_installed"        => Gem::RDoc.new(spec).ri_installed?,
        "summary"             => spec.summary,
        "version"             => spec.version.to_s,

    specs << {
      "authors" => "Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich, Eric Hodel and others",
      "dependencies" => [],
      "doc_path" => doc_root("rubygems-#{Gem::VERSION}"),
      "executables" => [{"executable" => 'gem', "is_last" => true}],
      "only_one_executable" => true,
      "full_name" => "rubygems-#{Gem::VERSION}",
      "has_deps" => false,
      "homepage" => "http://docs.rubygems.org/",
      "name" => 'rubygems',
      "ri_installed" => true,
      "summary" => "RubyGems itself",
      "version" => Gem::VERSION,

    specs = specs.sort_by { |spec| [spec["name"].downcase, spec["version"]] }
    specs.last["is_last"] = true

    # tag all specs with first_name_entry
    last_spec = nil
    specs.each do |spec|
      is_first = last_spec.nil? || (last_spec["name"].downcase != spec["name"].downcase)
      spec["first_name_entry"] = is_first
      last_spec = spec

    # create page from template
    template = ERB.new(DOC_TEMPLATE)
    res['content-type'] = 'text/html'

    values = { "gem_count" => specs.size.to_s, "specs" => specs,
               "total_file_count" => total_file_count.to_s }

    # suppress 1.9.3dev warning about unused variable
    values = values

    result = template.result binding
    res.body = result
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