lex(src, filename = '-', lineno = 1) public

Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of an array, which is formatted like [[lineno, column], type, token].

require 'ripper'
require 'pp'

pp Ripper.lex("def m(a) nil end")
  #=> [[[1,  0], :on_kw,     "def"],
       [[1,  3], :on_sp,     " "  ],
       [[1,  4], :on_ident,  "m"  ],
       [[1,  5], :on_lparen, "("  ],
       [[1,  6], :on_ident,  "a"  ],
       [[1,  7], :on_rparen, ")"  ],
       [[1,  8], :on_sp,     " "  ],
       [[1,  9], :on_kw,     "nil"],
       [[1, 12], :on_sp,     " "  ],
       [[1, 13], :on_kw,     "end"]]
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