hmac_md5(text, key) private

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# File lib/net/imap.rb, line 3338
      def hmac_md5(text, key)
        if key.length > 64
          key = Digest::MD5.digest(key)

        k_ipad = key + "\00"" * (64 - key.length)
        k_opad = key + "\00"" * (64 - key.length)
        for i in 0..63
          k_ipad[i] = (k_ipad[i].ord ^ 0x36).chr
          k_opad[i] = (k_opad[i].ord ^ 0x5c).chr

        digest = Digest::MD5.digest(k_ipad + text)

        return Digest::MD5.hexdigest(k_opad + digest)
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