An HTTP client API for Ruby.
Net::HTTP provides a rich library which can be used to build HTTP user-agents. For more details about HTTP see [RFC2616](
Net::HTTP is designed to work closely with URI. URI::HTTP#host, URI::HTTP#port and URI::HTTP#request_uri are designed to work with Net::HTTP.
If you are only performing a few GET requests you should try OpenURI.
Simple Examples
All examples assume you have loaded Net::HTTP with:
require 'net/http'
This will also require ‘uri’ so you don’t need to require it separately.
The Net::HTTP methods in the following section do not persist connections. They are not recommended if you are performing many HTTP requests.
Net::HTTP.get('', '/index.html') # => String
uri = URI('') Net::HTTP.get(uri) # => String
GET with Dynamic Parameters
uri = URI('') params = { :limit => 10, :page => 3 } uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) puts res.body if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
uri = URI('') res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => 'ruby', 'max' => '50') puts res.body
POST with Multiple Values
uri = URI('') res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => ['ruby', 'perl'], 'max' => '50') puts res.body
How to use Net::HTTP
The following example code can be used as the basis of a HTTP user-agent which can perform a variety of request types using persistent connections.
uri = URI('') Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| request = uri.request_uri response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object end
Net::HTTP::start immediately creates a connection to an HTTP server which is kept open for the duration of the block. The connection will remain open for multiple requests in the block if the server indicates it supports persistent connections.
The request types Net::HTTP supports are listed below in the section “HTTP Request Classes”.
If you wish to re-use a connection across multiple HTTP requests without automatically closing it you can use ::new instead of ::start. #request will automatically open a connection to the server if one is not currently open. You can manually close the connection with #finish.
Response Data
uri = URI('') res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) # Headers res['Set-Cookie'] # => String res.get_fields('set-cookie') # => Array res.to_hash['set-cookie'] # => Array puts "Headers: #{res.to_hash.inspect}" # Status puts res.code # => '200' puts res.message # => 'OK' puts # => 'HTTPOK' # Body puts res.body if res.response_body_permitted?
Following Redirection
Each Net::HTTPResponse object belongs to a class for its response code.
For example, all 2XX responses are instances of a Net::HTTPSuccess subclass, a 3XX response is an instance of a Net::HTTPRedirection subclass and a 200 response is an instance of the Net::HTTPOK class. For details of response classes, see the section “HTTP Response Classes” below.
Using a case statement you can handle various types of responses properly:
def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10) # You should choose a better exception. raise ArgumentError, 'too many HTTP redirects' if limit == 0 response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(uri_str)) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess then response when Net::HTTPRedirection then location = response['location'] warn "redirected to #{location}" fetch(location, limit - 1) else response.value end end print fetch('')
A POST can be made using the Net::HTTP::Post request class. This example creates a urlencoded POST body:
uri = URI('') req = req.set_form_data('from' => '2005-01-01', 'to' => '2005-03-31') res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http| http.request(req) end case res when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPRedirection # OK else res.value end
At this time Net::HTTP does not support multipart/form-data. To send multipart/form-data use Net::HTTPRequest#body= and Net::HTTPRequest#content_type=:
req = req.body = multipart_data req.content_type = 'multipart/form-data'
Other requests that can contain a body such as PUT can be created in the same way using the corresponding request class (Net::HTTP::Put).
Setting Headers
The following example performs a conditional GET using the If-Modified-Since header. If the files has not been modified since the time in the header a Not Modified response will be returned. See RFC 2616 section 9.3 for further details.
uri = URI('') file = File.stat 'cached_response' req = req['If-Modified-Since'] = file.mtime.rfc2822 res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http| http.request(req) } open 'cached_response', 'w' do |io| io.write res.body end if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
Basic Authentication
Basic authentication is performed according to [RFC2617](
uri = URI('') req = req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass' res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http| http.request(req) } puts res.body
Streaming Response Bodies
By default Net::HTTP reads an entire response into memory. If you are handling large files or wish to implement a progress bar you can instead stream the body directly to an IO.
uri = URI('') Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| request = uri.request_uri http.request request do |response| open 'large_file', 'w' do |io| response.read_body do |chunk| io.write chunk end end end end
HTTPS is enabled for an HTTP connection by Net::HTTP#use_ssl=.
uri = URI('') Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https').start do |http| request = uri.request_uri response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object end
In previous versions of ruby you would need to require ‘net/https’ to use HTTPS. This is no longer true.
Net::HTTP::Proxy has the same methods as Net::HTTP but its instances always connect via the proxy instead of directly to the given host.
proxy_addr = '' proxy_port = 8080 Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_addr, proxy_port).start('') {|http| # always connect to your.proxy.addr:8080 }
Net::HTTP::Proxy returns a Net::HTTP instance when proxy_addr is nil so there is no need for conditional code.
See Net::HTTP::Proxy for further details and examples such as proxies that require a username and password.
HTTP Request Classes
Here is the HTTP request class hierarchy.
HTTP Response Classes
Here is HTTP response class hierarchy. All classes are defined in Net module and are subclasses of Net::HTTPResponse.
HTTPUnknownResponse |
For unhandled HTTP extensions |
HTTPInformation |
1xx |
HTTPContinue |
100 |
HTTPSwitchProtocol |
101 |
HTTPSuccess |
2xx |
200 |
HTTPCreated |
201 |
HTTPAccepted |
202 |
HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation |
203 |
HTTPNoContent |
204 |
HTTPResetContent |
205 |
HTTPPartialContent |
206 |
HTTPRedirection |
3xx |
HTTPMultipleChoice |
300 |
HTTPMovedPermanently |
301 |
HTTPFound |
302 |
HTTPSeeOther |
303 |
HTTPNotModified |
304 |
HTTPUseProxy |
305 |
HTTPTemporaryRedirect |
307 |
HTTPClientError |
4xx |
HTTPBadRequest |
400 |
HTTPUnauthorized |
401 |
HTTPPaymentRequired |
402 |
HTTPForbidden |
403 |
HTTPNotFound |
404 |
HTTPMethodNotAllowed |
405 |
HTTPNotAcceptable |
406 |
HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired |
407 |
HTTPRequestTimeOut |
408 |
HTTPConflict |
409 |
HTTPGone |
410 |
HTTPLengthRequired |
411 |
HTTPPreconditionFailed |
412 |
HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge |
413 |
HTTPRequestURITooLong |
414 |
HTTPUnsupportedMediaType |
415 |
HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable |
416 |
HTTPExpectationFailed |
417 |
HTTPServerError |
5xx |
HTTPInternalServerError |
500 |
HTTPNotImplemented |
501 |
HTTPBadGateway |
502 |
HTTPServiceUnavailable |
503 |
HTTPGatewayTimeOut |
504 |
HTTPVersionNotSupported |
505 |
There is also the Net::HTTPBadResponse exception which is raised when there is a protocol error.
- HTTPSession
SSL_ATTRIBUTES = %w( ssl_version key cert ca_file ca_path cert_store ciphers verify_mode verify_callback verify_depth ssl_timeout )
[R] | address |
The DNS host name or IP address to connect to. |
[R] | port |
The port number to connect to. |
[RW] | open_timeout |
Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open. Any number may be used, including Floats for fractional seconds. If the HTTP object cannot open a connection in this many seconds, it raises a TimeoutError exception. |
[R] | read_timeout |
Number of seconds to wait for one block to be read (via one read(2) call). Any number may be used, including Floats for fractional seconds. If the HTTP object cannot read data in this many seconds, it raises a TimeoutError exception. |
[R] | continue_timeout |
Seconds to wait for 100 Continue response. If the HTTP object does not receive a response in this many seconds it sends the request body. |
[RW] | close_on_empty_response | |
[RW] | ca_file |
Sets path of a CA certification file in PEM format. The file can contain several CA certificates. |
[RW] | ca_path |
Sets path of a CA certification directory containing certifications in PEM format. |
[RW] | cert |
Sets an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate object as client certificate. (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos’s OpenSSL extension). |
[RW] | cert_store |
Sets the X509::Store to verify peer certificate. |
[RW] | ciphers |
Sets the available ciphers. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ciphers= |
[RW] | key |
Sets an OpenSSL::PKey::RSA or OpenSSL::PKey::DSA object. (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos’s OpenSSL extension.) |
[RW] | ssl_timeout |
Sets the SSL timeout seconds. |
[RW] | ssl_version |
Sets the SSL version. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ssl_version= |
[RW] | verify_callback |
Sets the verify callback for the server certification verification. |
[RW] | verify_depth |
Sets the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification. |
[RW] | verify_mode |
Sets the flags for server the certification verification at beginning of SSL/TLS session. OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE or OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER are acceptable. |
[R] | proxy_address |
Address of proxy host. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil. |
[R] | proxy_port |
Port number of proxy host. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil. |
[R] | proxy_user |
User name for accessing proxy. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil. |
[R] | proxy_pass |
User password for accessing proxy. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil. |

HTTPS request
Hey, guys!
You have one mistake in example code.
uri = URI('') Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https').start do |http| request = uri.request_uri response = http.request request end
Here HTTP::start method called twice. This code should look like
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http| request = uri.request_uri response = http.request request end
It’s work - I checked.

The ampersand is more common, but the W3C recommends that all web servers support semicolon separators in the place of ampersand separators:

Testing Net:HTTP connections
You can use this excellent library to stub Net:HTTP connections in your automatic tests: