
Class representing an HTTP cookie.

In addition to its specific fields and methods, a Cookie instance is a delegator to the array of its values.

See RFC 2965.

Examples of use

cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new("name", "value1", "value2", ...)
cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new("name" => "name", "value" => "value")
cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new('name'    => 'name',
                           'value'   => ['value1', 'value2', ...],
                           'path'    => 'path',   # optional
                           'domain'  => 'domain', # optional
                           'expires' => Time.now, # optional
                           'secure'  => true      # optional

cgi.out("cookie" => [cookie1, cookie2]) { "string" }

name    = cookie1.name
values  = cookie1.value
path    = cookie1.path
domain  = cookie1.domain
expires = cookie1.expires
secure  = cookie1.secure

cookie1.name    = 'name'
cookie1.value   = ['value1', 'value2', ...]
cookie1.path    = 'path'
cookie1.domain  = 'domain'
cookie1.expires = Time.now + 30
cookie1.secure  = true
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