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ENINDENT_CLAUSE = [ "case", "class", "def", "do", "for", "if", "module", "unless", "until", "while", "begin" #, "when" ]

DEINDENT_CLAUSE = ["end" #, "when" ]

PERCENT_LTYPE = { "q" => "\'", "Q" => "\"", "x" => "\`", "r" => "/", "w" => "]", "W" => "]", "s" => ":" }

PERCENT_PAREN = { "{" => "}", "[" => "]", "<" => ">", "(" => ")" }

Ltype2Token = { "\'" => TkSTRING, "\"" => TkSTRING, "\`" => TkXSTRING, "/" => TkREGEXP, "]" => TkDSTRING, ":" => TkSYMBOL }

DLtype2Token = { "\"" => TkDSTRING, "\`" => TkDXSTRING, "/" => TkDREGEXP, }


[RW] debug_level
[RW] skip_space
[RW] readed_auto_clean_up
[RW] exception_on_syntax_error
[R] seek
[R] char_no
[R] line_no
[R] indent
Show files where this class is defined (1 file)
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