Open3 grants you access to stdin, stdout, stderr and a thread to wait the child process when running another program. You can specify various attributes, redirections, current directory, etc., of the program as Process.spawn.
Open3.popen3 : pipes for stdin, stdout, stderr
Open3.popen2 : pipes for stdin, stdout
Open3.popen2e : pipes for stdin, merged stdout and stderr
Open3.capture3 : give a string for stdin. get strings for stdout, stderr
Open3.capture2 : give a string for stdin. get a string for stdout
Open3.capture2e : give a string for stdin. get a string for merged stdout and stderr
Open3.pipeline_rw : pipes for first stdin and last stdout of a pipeline
Open3.pipeline_r : pipe for last stdout of a pipeline
Open3.pipeline_w : pipe for first stdin of a pipeline
Open3.pipeline : run a pipline and wait