v1_9_2_180 - Show latest stable - 0 notes

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MONTHS = { 'january' => 1, 'february' => 2, 'march' => 3, 'april' => 4, 'may' => 5, 'june' => 6, 'july' => 7, 'august' => 8, 'september'=> 9, 'october' =>10, 'november' =>11, 'december' =>12 }

DAYS = { 'sunday' => 0, 'monday' => 1, 'tuesday' => 2, 'wednesday'=> 3, 'thursday' => 4, 'friday' => 5, 'saturday' => 6 }

ABBR_MONTHS = { 'jan' => 1, 'feb' => 2, 'mar' => 3, 'apr' => 4, 'may' => 5, 'jun' => 6, 'jul' => 7, 'aug' => 8, 'sep' => 9, 'oct' =>10, 'nov' =>11, 'dec' =>12 }

ABBR_DAYS = { 'sun' => 0, 'mon' => 1, 'tue' => 2, 'wed' => 3, 'thu' => 4, 'fri' => 5, 'sat' => 6 }

ZONES = { 'ut' => 0*3600, 'gmt' => 0*3600, 'est' => -5*3600, 'edt' => -4*3600, 'cst' => -6*3600, 'cdt' => -5*3600, 'mst' => -7*3600, 'mdt' => -6*3600, 'pst' => -8*3600, 'pdt' => -7*3600, 'a' => 1*3600, 'b' => 2*3600, 'c' => 3*3600, 'd' => 4*3600, 'e' => 5*3600, 'f' => 6*3600, 'g' => 7*3600, 'h' => 8*3600, 'i' => 9*3600, 'k' => 10*3600, 'l' => 11*3600, 'm' => 12*3600, 'n' => -1*3600, 'o' => -2*3600, 'p' => -3*3600, 'q' => -4*3600, 'r' => -5*3600, 's' => -6*3600, 't' => -7*3600, 'u' => -8*3600, 'v' => -9*3600, 'w' =>-10*3600, 'x' =>-11*3600, 'y' =>-12*3600, 'z' => 0*3600, 'utc' => 0*3600, 'wet' => 0*3600, 'at' => -2*3600, 'brst'=> -2*3600, 'ndt' => -(2*3600+1800), 'art' => -3*3600, 'adt' => -3*3600, 'brt' => -3*3600, 'clst'=> -3*3600, 'nst' => -(3*3600+1800), 'ast' => -4*3600, 'clt' => -4*3600, 'akdt'=> -8*3600, 'ydt' => -8*3600, 'akst'=> -9*3600, 'hadt'=> -9*3600, 'hdt' => -9*3600, 'yst' => -9*3600, 'ahst'=>-10*3600, 'cat' =>-10*3600, 'hast'=>-10*3600, 'hst' =>-10*3600, 'nt' =>-11*3600, 'idlw'=>-12*3600, 'bst' => 1*3600, 'cet' => 1*3600, 'fwt' => 1*3600, 'met' => 1*3600, 'mewt'=> 1*3600, 'mez' => 1*3600, 'swt' => 1*3600, 'wat' => 1*3600, 'west'=> 1*3600, 'cest'=> 2*3600, 'eet' => 2*3600, 'fst' => 2*3600, 'mest'=> 2*3600, 'mesz'=> 2*3600, 'sast'=> 2*3600, 'sst' => 2*3600, 'bt' => 3*3600, 'eat' => 3*3600, 'eest'=> 3*3600, 'msk' => 3*3600, 'msd' => 4*3600, 'zp4' => 4*3600, 'zp5' => 5*3600, 'ist' => (5*3600+1800), 'zp6' => 6*3600, 'wast'=> 7*3600, 'cct' => 8*3600, 'sgt' => 8*3600, 'wadt'=> 8*3600, 'jst' => 9*3600, 'kst' => 9*3600, 'east'=> 10*3600, 'gst' => 10*3600, 'eadt'=> 11*3600, 'idle'=> 12*3600, 'nzst'=> 12*3600, 'nzt' => 12*3600, 'nzdt'=> 13*3600, 'afghanistan' => 16200, 'alaskan' => -32400, 'arab' => 10800, 'arabian' => 14400, 'arabic' => 10800, 'atlantic' => -14400, 'aus central' => 34200, 'aus eastern' => 36000, 'azores' => -3600, 'canada central' => -21600, 'cape verde' => -3600, 'caucasus' => 14400, 'cen. australia' => 34200, 'central america' => -21600, 'central asia' => 21600, 'central europe' => 3600, 'central european' => 3600, 'central pacific' => 39600, 'central' => -21600, 'china' => 28800, 'dateline' => -43200, 'e. africa' => 10800, 'e. australia' => 36000, 'e. europe' => 7200, 'e. south america' => -10800, 'eastern' => -18000, 'egypt' => 7200, 'ekaterinburg' => 18000, 'fiji' => 43200, 'fle' => 7200, 'greenland' => -10800, 'greenwich' => 0, 'gtb' => 7200, 'hawaiian' => -36000, 'india' => 19800, 'iran' => 12600, 'jerusalem' => 7200, 'korea' => 32400, 'mexico' => -21600, 'mid-atlantic' => -7200, 'mountain' => -25200, 'myanmar' => 23400, 'n. central asia' => 21600, 'nepal' => 20700, 'new zealand' => 43200, 'newfoundland' => -12600, 'north asia east' => 28800, 'north asia' => 25200, 'pacific sa' => -14400, 'pacific' => -28800, 'romance' => 3600, 'russian' => 10800, 'sa eastern' => -10800, 'sa pacific' => -18000, 'sa western' => -14400, 'samoa' => -39600, 'se asia' => 25200, 'malay peninsula' => 28800, 'south africa' => 7200, 'sri lanka' => 21600, 'taipei' => 28800, 'tasmania' => 36000, 'tokyo' => 32400, 'tonga' => 46800, 'us eastern' => -18000, 'us mountain' => -25200, 'vladivostok' => 36000, 'w. australia' => 28800, 'w. central africa' => 3600, 'w. europe' => 3600, 'west asia' => 18000, 'west pacific' => 36000, 'yakutsk' => 32400 }


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