Set implements a collection of unordered values with no duplicates. This is a hybrid of Array's intuitive inter-operation facilities and Hash's fast lookup.

Several methods accept any Enumerable object (implementing each) for greater flexibility: new, replace, merge, subtract, |, &, -, ^.

The equality of each couple of elements is determined according to Object#eql? and Object#hash, since Set uses Hash as storage.

Finally, if you are using class Set, you can also use Enumerable#to_set for convenience.


  require 'set'
  s1 = [1, 2]                   # -> #<Set: {1, 2}>
  s2 = [1, 2].to_set                    # -> #<Set: {1, 2}>
  s1 == s2                              # -> true
  s1.add("foo")                         # -> #<Set: {1, 2, "foo"}>
  s1.merge([2, 6])                      # -> #<Set: {6, 1, 2, "foo"}>
  s1.subset? s2                         # -> false
  s2.subset? s1                         # -> true


  - Akinori MUSHA <> (current maintainer)


InspectKey = :__inspect_key__


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