v1_8_7_72 - Show latest stable - 0 notes - Superclass: Object

Property stream format:

  line separator is \r?\n.  1 line per a property.
  line which begins with '#' is a comment line.  empty line is ignored, too.
  key/value separator is ':' or '='.
  '\' as escape character.  but line separator cannot be escaped.
  \s at the head/tail of key/value are trimmed.

  '[' + key + ']' indicates property section.  for example,

    ccc = ddd
    eee.fff = ggg
    aaa.hhh = iii

  is the same as;

    aaa.bbb.ccc = ddd
    aaa.bbb.eee.fff = ggg
    aaa.hhh = iii


FrozenError = (RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.0") ? RuntimeError : TypeError

KEY_REGSRC = '([^=:\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^=:\\\\]*)*)'

DEF_REGSRC = '\\s*' + KEY_REGSRC + '\\s*[=:]\\s*(.*)'

COMMENT_REGEXP = Regexp.new('^(?:#.*|)$')

CATDEF_REGEXP = Regexp.new("^\\[\\s*#{KEY_REGSRC}\\s*\\]$")

LINE_REGEXP = Regexp.new("^#{DEF_REGSRC}$")

NO_HOOK = [].freeze


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