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# File lib/irb.rb, line 102 def eval_input @scanner.set_prompt do |ltype, indent, continue, line_no| if ltype f = @context.prompt_s elsif continue f = @context.prompt_c elsif indent > 0 f = @context.prompt_n else @context.prompt_i f = @context.prompt_i end f = "" unless f if @context.prompting? = p = prompt(f, ltype, indent, line_no) else = p = "" end if @context.auto_indent_mode unless ltype ind = prompt(@context.prompt_i, ltype, indent, line_no)[/.*\z/].size + indent * 2 - p.size ind += 2 if continue = p + " " * ind if ind > 0 end end end @scanner.set_input( do signal_status(:IN_INPUT) do if l = print l if @context.verbose? else if @context.ignore_eof? and l = "\n" if @context.verbose? printf "Use \"exit\" to leave %s\n", @context.ap_name end end end l end end @scanner.each_top_level_statement do |line, line_no| signal_status(:IN_EVAL) do begin line.untaint @context.evaluate(line, line_no) output_value if @context.echo? exc = nil rescue Interrupt => exc rescue SystemExit, SignalException raise rescue Exception => exc end if exc print exc.class, ": ", exc, "\n" if exc.backtrace[0] =~ /irb(2)?(\/.*|-.*|\.rb)?:/ && exc.class.to_s !~ /^IRB/ irb_bug = true else irb_bug = false end messages = [] lasts = [] levels = 0 for m in exc.backtrace m = @context.workspace.filter_backtrace(m) unless irb_bug if m if messages.size < @context.back_trace_limit messages.push "\tfrom "+m else lasts.push "\tfrom "+m if lasts.size > @context.back_trace_limit lasts.shift levels += 1 end end end end print messages.join("\n"), "\n" unless lasts.empty? printf "... %d levels...\n", levels if levels > 0 print lasts.join("\n") end print "Maybe IRB bug!!\n" if irb_bug end if $SAFE > 2 abort "Error: irb does not work for $SAFE level higher than 2" end end end end