HTTP response class. This class wraps response header and entity. Mixes in the HTTPHeader module, which provides access to response header values both via hash-like methods and individual readers. Note that each possible HTTP response code defines its own HTTPResponse subclass. These are listed below. All classes are defined under the Net module. Indentation indicates inheritance.

xxx        HTTPResponse

  1xx        HTTPInformation
    100        HTTPContinue    
    101        HTTPSwitchProtocol

  2xx        HTTPSuccess
    200        HTTPOK
    201        HTTPCreated
    202        HTTPAccepted
    203        HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation
    204        HTTPNoContent
    205        HTTPResetContent
    206        HTTPPartialContent

  3xx        HTTPRedirection
    300        HTTPMultipleChoice
    301        HTTPMovedPermanently
    302        HTTPFound
    303        HTTPSeeOther
    304        HTTPNotModified
    305        HTTPUseProxy
    307        HTTPTemporaryRedirect

  4xx        HTTPClientError
    400        HTTPBadRequest
    401        HTTPUnauthorized
    402        HTTPPaymentRequired
    403        HTTPForbidden
    404        HTTPNotFound
    405        HTTPMethodNotAllowed
    406        HTTPNotAcceptable
    407        HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired
    408        HTTPRequestTimeOut
    409        HTTPConflict
    410        HTTPGone
    411        HTTPLengthRequired
    412        HTTPPreconditionFailed
    413        HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge
    414        HTTPRequestURITooLong
    415        HTTPUnsupportedMediaType
    416        HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
    417        HTTPExpectationFailed

  5xx        HTTPServerError
    500        HTTPInternalServerError
    501        HTTPNotImplemented
    502        HTTPBadGateway
    503        HTTPServiceUnavailable
    504        HTTPGatewayTimeOut
    505        HTTPVersionNotSupported

  xxx        HTTPUnknownResponse


  • message


CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ = { '1' => HTTPInformation, '2' => HTTPSuccess, '3' => HTTPRedirection, '4' => HTTPClientError, '5' => HTTPServerError

CODE_TO_OBJ = { '100' => HTTPContinue, '101' => HTTPSwitchProtocol, '200' => HTTPOK, '201' => HTTPCreated, '202' => HTTPAccepted, '203' => HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation, '204' => HTTPNoContent, '205' => HTTPResetContent, '206' => HTTPPartialContent, '300' => HTTPMultipleChoice, '301' => HTTPMovedPermanently, '302' => HTTPFound, '303' => HTTPSeeOther, '304' => HTTPNotModified, '305' => HTTPUseProxy, '307' => HTTPTemporaryRedirect, '400' => HTTPBadRequest, '401' => HTTPUnauthorized, '402' => HTTPPaymentRequired, '403' => HTTPForbidden, '404' => HTTPNotFound, '405' => HTTPMethodNotAllowed, '406' => HTTPNotAcceptable, '407' => HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired, '408' => HTTPRequestTimeOut, '409' => HTTPConflict, '410' => HTTPGone, '411' => HTTPLengthRequired, '412' => HTTPPreconditionFailed, '413' => HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, '414' => HTTPRequestURITooLong, '415' => HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, '416' => HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, '417' => HTTPExpectationFailed, '500' => HTTPInternalServerError, '501' => HTTPNotImplemented, '502' => HTTPBadGateway, '503' => HTTPServiceUnavailable, '504' => HTTPGatewayTimeOut, '505' => HTTPVersionNotSupported


[R] http_version

The HTTP version supported by the server.

[R] code

HTTP result code string. For example, ‘302’. You can also determine the response type by which response subclass the response object is an instance of.

[R] message

HTTP result message. For example, ‘Not Found’.

Show files where this class is defined (1 file)
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