
header(options = "text/html")
Create an HTTP header block as a string.
Includes the empty line that ends the header block.
options can be a string specifying the Content-Type (defaults to text/html), or a hash of header key/value pairs. The following header keys are recognized:
type |
the Content-Type header. Defaults to “text/html” |
charset |
the charset of the body, appended to the Content-Type header. |
nph |
a boolean value. If true, prepend protocol string and status code, and date; and sets default values for “server” and “connection” if not explicitly set. |
status |
the HTTP status code, returned as the Status header. See the list of available status codes below. |
server |
the server software, returned as the Server header. |
connection |
the connection type, returned as the Connection header (for instance, “close”. |
length |
the length of the content that will be sent, returned as the Content-Length header. |
language |
the language of the content, returned as the Content-Language header. |
expires |
the time on which the current content expires, as a Time object, returned as the Expires header. |
a cookie or cookies, returned as one or more Set-Cookie headers. The value can be the literal string of the cookie; a CGI::Cookie object; an Array of literal cookie strings or Cookie objects; or a hash all of whose values are literal cookie strings or Cookie objects. These cookies are in addition to the cookies held in the @output_cookies field. |
Other header lines can also be set; they are appended as key: value.
header # Content-Type: text/html header("text/plain") # Content-Type: text/plain header("nph" => true, "status" => "OK", # == "200 OK" # "status" => "200 GOOD", "server" => ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "connection" => "close", "type" => "text/html", "charset" => "iso-2022-jp", # Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp "length" => 103, "language" => "ja", "expires" => Time.now + 30, "cookie" => [cookie1, cookie2], "my_header1" => "my_value" "my_header2" => "my_value")
The status codes are:
"OK" --> "200 OK" "PARTIAL_CONTENT" --> "206 Partial Content" "MULTIPLE_CHOICES" --> "300 Multiple Choices" "MOVED" --> "301 Moved Permanently" "REDIRECT" --> "302 Found" "NOT_MODIFIED" --> "304 Not Modified" "BAD_REQUEST" --> "400 Bad Request" "AUTH_REQUIRED" --> "401 Authorization Required" "FORBIDDEN" --> "403 Forbidden" "NOT_FOUND" --> "404 Not Found" "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED" --> "405 Method Not Allowed" "NOT_ACCEPTABLE" --> "406 Not Acceptable" "LENGTH_REQUIRED" --> "411 Length Required" "PRECONDITION_FAILED" --> "412 Precondition Failed" "SERVER_ERROR" --> "500 Internal Server Error" "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" --> "501 Method Not Implemented" "BAD_GATEWAY" --> "502 Bad Gateway" "VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES" --> "506 Variant Also Negotiates"
This method does not perform charset conversion.