YAML(tm) (rhymes with ‘camel’) is a straightforward machine parsable data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages such as Perl and Python. YAML is optimized for data serialization, formatted dumping, configuration files, log files, Internet messaging and filtering. This specification describes the YAML information model and serialization format. Together with the Unicode standard for characters, it provides all the information necessary to understand <a href="/ruby/YAML">YAML</a> Version 1.0 and construct computer programs to process it.
See http://yaml.org/ for more information. For a quick tutorial, please visit <a href="/ruby/YAML">YAML</a> In Five Minutes (http://yaml.kwiki.org/?YamlInFiveMinutes).
About This Library
The <a href="/ruby/YAML">YAML</a> 1.0 specification outlines four stages of YAML loading and dumping. This library honors all four of those stages, although data is really only available to you in three stages.
The four stages are: native, representation, serialization, and presentation.
The native stage refers to data which has been loaded completely into Ruby’s own types. (See +YAML::load+.)
The representation stage means data which has been composed into +YAML::BaseNode+ objects. In this stage, the document is available as a tree of node objects. You can perform YPath queries and transformations at this level. (See +YAML::parse+.)
The serialization stage happens inside the parser. The <a href="/ruby/YAML">YAML</a> parser used in Ruby is called Syck. Serialized nodes are available in the extension as SyckNode structs.
The presentation stage is the YAML document itself. This is accessible to you as a string. (See +YAML::dump+.)
For more information about the various information models, see Chapter 3 of the YAML 1.0 Specification (http://yaml.org/spec/#id2491269).
The <a href="/ruby/YAML">YAML</a> module provides quick access to the most common loading (YAML::load) and dumping (YAML::dump) tasks. This module also provides an API for registering global types (YAML::add_domain_type).
A simple round-trip (load and dump) of an object.
require "yaml" test_obj = ["dogs", "cats", "badgers"] yaml_obj = YAML::dump( test_obj ) # -> --- - dogs - cats - badgers ruby_obj = YAML::load( yaml_obj ) # => ["dogs", "cats", "badgers"] ruby_obj == test_obj # => true
To register your custom types with the global resolver, use add_domain_type.
YAML::add_domain_type( "your-site.com,2004", "widget" ) do |type, val| Widget.new( val ) end
VERSION = '0.60'
WORD_CHAR = 'A-Za-z0-9'
PRINTABLE_CHAR = '-_A-Za-z0-9!?/()$\'". '
NOT_PLAIN_CHAR = '\x7f\x0-\x1f\x80-\x9f'
ESCAPE_CHAR = '[\\x00-\\x09\\x0b-\\x1f]'
INDICATOR_CHAR = '*&!|\\\\^@%{}[]='
DNS_COMP_RE = "\\w(?:[-\\w]*\\w)?"
ESCAPES = %w{\x00 \x01 \x02 \x03 \x04 \x05 \x06 \a \x08 \t \n \v \f \r \x0e \x0f \x10 \x11 \x12 \x13 \x14 \x15 \x16 \x17 \x18 \x19 \x1a \e \x1c \x1d \x1e \x1f }
UNESCAPES = { 'a' => "\x07", 'b' => "\x08", 't' => "\x09", 'n' => "\x0a", 'v' => "\x0b", 'f' => "\x0c", 'r' => "\x0d", 'e' => "\x1b", '\\' => '\\', }
DEFAULTS = { :Indent => 2, :UseHeader => false, :UseVersion => false, :Version => '1.0', :SortKeys => false, :AnchorFormat => 'id%03d', :ExplicitTypes => false, :WidthType => 'absolute', :BestWidth => 80, :UseBlock => false, :UseFold => false, :Encoding => :None
ERROR_NO_HEADER_NODE = "With UseHeader=false, the node Array or Hash must have elements"
ERROR_NEED_HEADER = "With UseHeader=false, the node must be an Array or Hash"
ERROR_BAD_EXPLICIT = "Unsupported explicit transfer: '%s'"
ERROR_MANY_EXPLICIT = "More than one explicit transfer"
ERROR_MANY_IMPLICIT = "More than one implicit request"
ERROR_NO_ANCHOR = "No anchor for alias '%s'"
ERROR_BAD_ANCHOR = "Invalid anchor: %s"
ERROR_MANY_ANCHOR = "More than one anchor"
ERROR_ANCHOR_ALIAS = "Can't define both an anchor and an alias"
ERROR_BAD_ALIAS = "Invalid alias: %s"
ERROR_MANY_ALIAS = "More than one alias"
ERROR_ZERO_INDENT = "Can't use zero as an indentation width"
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = "This release of YAML.rb does not support YAML version %s"
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING = "Attempt to use unsupported encoding: %s"
Resolver = YAML::Syck::Resolver
DefaultResolver = YAML::Syck::DefaultResolver
GenericResolver = YAML::Syck::GenericResolver
Parser = YAML::Syck::Parser
Emitter = YAML::Syck::Emitter