install_have_children_element(tag_name, uri, occurs, name=nil, plural_name=nil) public

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# File lib/rss/rss.rb, line 163
    def install_have_children_element(tag_name, uri, occurs, name=nil, plural_name=nil)
      name ||= tag_name
      plural_name ||= "#{name}s"
      add_have_children_element(name, plural_name)
      add_plural_form(name, plural_name)
      install_model(tag_name, uri, occurs, plural_name)

      def_children_accessor(name, plural_name)
      install_element(name, "s") do |n, elem_name|
        "rv = []\n@\#{n}.each do |x|\nvalue = \"\\\#{x.to_s(need_convert, indent)}\"\nrv << value if /\\\\A\\\\s*\\\\z/ !~ value\nend\nrv.join(\"\\n\")\n"
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