
Defines an instance method in the receiver. The method parameter can be a Proc or Method object. If a block is specified, it is used as the method body. This block is evaluated using instance_eval, a point that is tricky to demonstrate because define_method is private. (This is why we resort to the send hack in this example.)
class A def fred puts "In Fred" end def create_method(name, &block) self.class.send(:define_method, name, &block) end define_method(:wilma) { puts "Charge it!" } end class B < A define_method(:barney, instance_method(:fred)) end a = a.barney a.wilma a.create_method(:betty) { p self } a.betty
In Fred Charge it! #<B:0x401b39e8>

define_method with parameters
Just to be clear, you can do this:
define_method(:my_method) do |foo, bar| # or even |*args| # do something end
This means same as:
def my_method(foo, bar) # do something end
If you want to define method with parameters that have default values, you need to get a bit more creative and do something like this:
define_method(:my_method) do |foo, bar| bar ||= {} # do something end

define_method with default parameters
To define a method with a default parameter the usual notation can be used:
define_method("example") do |fixed, default = {}| # something end

Avoiding the "multiple values for a block parameter" warning
As pointed out below, you can also have optional parameters. But you will get something like “warning: multiple values for a block parameter (0 for 1)” if you omit them.
You can avoid those warnings by passing *args and picking the parameters yourself:
define_method :that_method do |*args|
foo = args[0] || 'my default' # ... end
Now the warning will be gone. Just make sure you fetch your parameters from *args and assign a default value (unless you want them to default to nil).

define_method with blocks works differently
As it is already stated that block is evaluated using instance_exec/instance_eval, so let me give you an example.
module Service module ClassMethods def endpoint_instance_exec(name, &block) define_method name do instance_exec(&block) end end def endpoint_block_call(name, &block) define_method name, &block end def endpoint_block_improper_call(name, &block) define_method name do # In this case, we called the block without "instance_eval" that # means block was called in the context of class MyService. end end end def self.included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods end private def hello puts 'world' end end class MyService include Service endpoint_instance_exec :foo do hello end endpoint_block_call :bar do hello end endpoint_block_improper_call :foobar do hello end end
Now, understand how can we execute the code and understand the working of define_method and instance_exec. # => "hello" # => "hello" # => undefined local variable or method `hello' for MyService:Class