out(options = "text/html") public

Print an HTTP header and body to $DEFAULT_OUTPUT ($>)

The header is provided by options, as for #header(). The body of the document is that returned by the passed- in block. This block takes no arguments. It is required.

  cgi = CGI.new
  cgi.out{ "string" }
    # Content-Type: text/html
    # Content-Length: 6
    # string

  cgi.out("text/plain") { "string" }
    # Content-Type: text/plain
    # Content-Length: 6
    # string

  cgi.out("nph"        => true,
          "status"     => "OK",  # == "200 OK"
          "server"     => ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
          "connection" => "close",
          "type"       => "text/html",
          "charset"    => "iso-2022-jp",
            # Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp
          "language"   => "ja",
          "expires"    => Time.now + (3600 * 24 * 30),
          "cookie"     => [cookie1, cookie2],
          "my_header1" => "my_value",
          "my_header2" => "my_value") { "string" }

Content-Length is automatically calculated from the size of the String returned by the content block.

If ENV[‘REQUEST_METHOD’] == "HEAD", then only the header is outputted (the content block is still required, but it is ignored).

If the charset is "iso-2022-jp" or "euc-jp" or "shift_jis" then the content is converted to this charset, and the language is set to "ja".

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